Linggo, Marso 25, 2012


(Course Syllabus)

Module 1: Overview in Assessment of Learning
Lesson 1.  The Overview of the Assessment of Learning
      a.        Introduction
      b.       Definition of Terms
      c.       Guiding Principles in Assessment of Learning
Lesson 2. Types of Measurement and their Differences
Lesson 3. Common Characteristics and Differences of Norm and Criterion  References
Lesson 4. Types of Assessment
Lesson 5. Modes of Assessment
Lesson 6. Formative and Summative Assessment

Lesson 1. Definition and Types of Learning Targets
Lesson 2. Definition and Role of Instructional Objectives
Lesson 3. Characteristics of a Well Written and Useful Instructional Objectives
Lesson 4. The Three Student Learning Outcome: Cognitive, Affective, & Psychomotor

Module 3: Keys to Effective Testing
Lesson 1. Tests and their Uses in Educational Assessment
Lesson 2. General Steps in Preparation of Tests
Lesson 3. The Keys to Effective Testing
Lesson 4. Factors to Consider when Constructing a Good Test
Lesson 5. Use and Classification of Tests
Lesson 6. Table of Specification

Module 4. Development of Assessment Tools
Lesson 1. Multiple Choice Tests (MCT)
a.  Advantages and Disadvantages of MCT                    
b.  Suggestions for Writing MCT
c.  Types of MCT                                                                
d.  Checklist for Writing MCT
Lesson 2. True or False Tests (TFT)
a.  Advantages/Disadvantages of TFT                             
b.  Pointers for TFT
c.  Types of TFT                                                                
d.  Checklist for Writing TFT
Lesson 3. Matching Type Tests (MTT)
a. Advantages/Disadvantages of MTT                           
b. Pointers and Suggestions for MTT
c. Types of MTT                                                                 
d. Checklist for MTT
Lesson 4. Completion Tests (CT)
a. Advantages and Disadvantages of CT                        
b. Pointers and Suggestions for CT                  
c. Types of CT
Lesson 5. Cloze Test
Lesson 6. Essay Tests (ET)
a. Advantages and Disadvantages of ET        
b. Uses of ET        
c. Pointers on Writing ET
d. Suggestion for rating ET                                
e. Factors to Consider in Assigning Points    
f. Checklist for Writing ET
Lesson 7. Other Assessment Tools and Techniques
a. Filling the blanks                              
b. Standardized Tests          
c. Intelligence and Aptitude Test
d. Personality Test                               
e. Interest Inventory                            
f. Anecdotal Records
g. Case Study                       
h. Questionnaire                   
i. Rating Scale       
j. Sociogram

Module 5. Characteristics of a Good Test
Lesson 1.  Validity of the Test
a. Important thing to Remember about Validity                              
b. Types of Validity
c. Factors Affecting the Validity of a Item       
d. Ways to Reduce the Validity of the Test Items
Lesson 2. Reliability of the Test
                 a. Factors Affecting the Reliability of the Test
                 b. Four Methods of Establishing Reliability
Lesson 3. Objectivity of the Test

Module 6. Analyzing and Using of Test Item Data
Lesson 1. Procedures in Item Analysis
Lesson 2. Computation for the Index of Difficulty (Df) and Index of Discrimination (Di)
Lesson 3. Interpreting Test Scores

Module 7. Educational Statistics
Lesson 1. Descriptive Statistics vs. Inferential Statistics
Lesson 2. Measures of  Central Tendency
a. Meaning and Properties of Mean                                 
b. Meaning and Properties of Median
c.. Meaning and Properties of Mode
Lesson 3. Measures of Variability
a. Meaning and Properties of Range                                
b. The Quartile Deviation
c. The Standard Deviation
Lesson 4. Measures of Correlation

Module 8. Rubrics, Portfolio and Performance-Based Assessment
Lesson 1. Meaning and Types of Rubrics
Lesson 2. Steps and Advantages in Developing a Rubrics
Lesson 3. Definition and Comparison of Portfolio Assessment
Lesson 4. Types, Guidelines and Uses of Portfolio
Lesson 5. Meaning and Framework of Performance-Based Assessment (PBA)
Lesson 6. Forms, Uses and Focus of PBA

Module 9. Grading and Reporting Practices
Lesson 1. Nature and Functions of Grade/Marks
Lesson 2. Purpose and Types of Grades and Marks
Lesson 3. Advantages/Disadvantages of Grades and Marks
Lesson 4. Common Grading-Related Problems
Lesson 5. Guidelines for Effective Grading
Lesson 6. Criteria for a Marking-Reporting System

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