Linggo, Marso 25, 2012


       This module is all about an Overview in Assessment of Learning. We learned that there are types and modes of assessment. Here it clarifies the differences between the types and modes. On the other hand, we also found out how Norm—Reference tests creates a greater difference from Criterion—Reference test. Norm—Reference test requires to measure the high and low achievers. Criterion—reference test is a standard test and there is a criteria to be follow. The score interpreted are expressed in percentage. The common characteristics of these two tools used in interpretation of scores have its specifications, relevant representative sample and both the same type of test items.

        Let’s not forget that there are rules for it in writing items, its validity and how it is reliable and lastly useful in educational assessment. The types of assessment help us to measure the objective of a certain learning target. First is the Assessment which determines the pre-requisite skills, mastery of course and how the teaching techniques are effective. Next, is the Diagnostic, test given before the exam. Formative Assessment that is important because it helps to monitor the learning progress of the student. Then lastly, the summative at one given at the end of the course.

        As future teachers, these will give us a big help because it provides the basic and most needed learning when we will be in the field. For sure, module 1 will not easily rub out.

       To establish an effective and précised learning target we just need to work out with the three learning domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The cognitive -- refers to the knowledge of an individual, Psychomotor – more on the applications of what we learned and the Affective that simply refers to the attitude of an individual. As a future teacher we must know these, for an easy and convenient way of imparting our knowledge to the students.

        This module contains how to construct a reliable and valid test at the same time an effective one. It should have a preparation of a Table of Specifications in order to balance all of the topics to be included in the test. In table of specifications, there are particular steps to be followed which served as guidelines to have a good construction of test. We’ve learned that as a future teacher, it is very essential to have a TOS because; you can determine specific topics or skills and the cast in terms of Bloom’s taxonomy. We also learned about the different mode of response, ease of qualifications of response, mode of administration, test constructor, mode of interpreting results and the nature of the answer. These things contribute benefits in identifying the types of response to be conducted. It is necessary to familiarize these in order for us to have sufficient ideas and knowledge of what responses in test we’re trying to conduct. As a future teacher, these things should always be bear in mind so that test will not mislead into invalid construction.

         Under this module includes the different types of test such as Multiple Choice Test (MCT), True or False Test (TFT), Matching type Test (MTT), Completion Test (CT), Essay Test (ET), and other assessment tools and techniques. We’ve learned that as future teacher, we should not only focus on one type of test if at first place, we want to evaluate the learning of our students. In other words, teacher should also include other types of test in order to determine what particular topics that students have their strengths and weaknesses so that teacher will make a sort of evaluation on what topics are needed to cope up with. In addition, in constructing test, it must be based to the topics that are discussed in order for it to be valid and reliable considered as important factors in test. Also, it should meet the learning objectives of the teacher in order to prove its effectiveness.

          In this module we learned the validity, reliability and objectivity of the tests. Validity of a test is an important tool to consider in a having a good test because it is the legality of a test in which we as future teachers must always remember in making a test. Reliability or the consistency of a test must also be remembered in making a good test, and lastly the objectivity which relates to the goal or aim of having that kind of a test.

      In this module we learned what are the benefits, purposes, elements and procedures of an item analysis. Item analysis is a technique used to improve the quality of items and to enhance the interpretation of results. This technique shows the difficulty of the items and the extent to which each item properly discriminates between high-achieving and low-achieving students. Moreover, we learned the procedures of getting the Difficulty Index (Df) and the Discrimination Index (Di) of an item. By getting the Difficulty index and Discrimination index we may be able to know if an item needs revision or must be retained and rejected. Lastly we discussed the different kinds of Interpreting test scores. This includes the raw score, percentile score, and test scores. Interpreting the test scores is very important for us to rank the students from highest to lowest and to verify who among them had passed or failed.

       Under this module, we will learn about the differences between  descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, how to measure the central tendency and which measure of central tendency to use, the meaning and properties of mean, median, and mode, how to measure the variability and the correlation.

       As a future teacher, we are required to know the following features, it is important especially to teachers because it will guide them to consolidate and synthesize large numbers to reveal their collective characteristics and interrelationships and transform them  from an incomprehensible mass to a set of useful and enlightening  indicators.

        Under this module we will learn about the meanings and types of rubrics, portfolios and performance based assessment, and how these following features are useful in every teachers.
       So, this module reminds us that as future teachers we should provide this kind of tools for showing what, how and how well students learned based on the topics and activities they have done during their classes and it also enables teachers and students to be more aware of their own development overtime. This features can also be an excellent learning tool for students because it clearly defines for them performance expectation.


       Assessment of student performance essentially knows how the students are progressing in a course and incidentally, how a teacher is also performing with respect to the teaching process. In reality, the first step in assessing students is, of course, testing – maybe in a paper- pencil objective test or in a performance based test. Grading, therefore, is the step after testing. In many years grading had been evolved in different school systems all over the world.
        In this module, we learned the nature and function of grades/marks even the advantages and disadvantages of it. Also we knew the different kinds of purpose and types of grades. Moreover, we also tackled the common grading-related problem and how a teacher should manage or handle it. And also for us future educators it is also important to know the guidelines for effective grading and the criteria for a marking-reporting system. These lessons give us a lot of important information that will help us to manage the learners and to give the grades that they deserve.
       The process of deciding on a grading system is a very complex one. The problems faced by an instructor who tries to design a system which will be accurate and fair are common to any member or something to evaluate those he/she is responsible. Through this, grading plays a vital role in assessing a students’ performance and a classroom set-up.

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